![Image by Diana Polekhina](,h_293,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/nsplsh_47699bdd475e47468a4aa9f240397e33~mv2.jpg)
Thank you for visiting the website of Beit Yeshua Congregation of Reno, Nevada.
It is our heartfelt desire to spread the wonderful truths of Elohim’s written word of truth to all who are drawn to the life-giving instructions found in His gift to humanity, the Biblical record. It is imperative, however, that the text of the entire Bible be studied in its original and full context, and through the eyes of the Hebrew logic, not the eyes of our western, Greco-Roman logic. We are commanded to worship Him in Spirit and truth, and thus we must be in covenant relationship with our Creator Messiah Yeshua, and be studying His written word of truth through constant equipping and the application of the many wonderful study tools available.
It is our emphasis to understand the teachings and instructions found in the Biblical record, and then to apply them to our lives on a daily basis. This then becomes the foundation for building a community of believers who walk in the manner of their Messiah Yeshua, and love their neighbors as themselves.
About Us
We are a Torah pursuant congregation seeking truth through the examination and study of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety. We respectively reject the religious traditions (i.e., syncretism) set forth by man over the centuries, and choose to love our Elohim and his created ones as He instructed throughout His written word of truth.
We have discovered that Elohim’s word of truth must be studied in its full and proper context:
Culturally and,
By understanding the whole spectrum of literary devices employed throughout the text
In addition, we have discovered that there must be an understanding of the following tools to fully discern the intended message of the Biblical text:
The two houses of Israel
The two logic systems at play within the Biblical text
The history of how we have received the Biblical text in English
The importance of the seven key Biblical covenants between Elohim and man
The importance of understanding who is Israel, and why
History of Beit Yeshua
In early 1998 Terry and Marti McHenry began to discover the Hebraic roots of their faith in Messiah Yeshua. This led to an intense quest to know and understand the full truth of Elohim’s written word, the Bible. Two years later, after extensive searching and study, plus considerable prayer for guidance and protection from going down the wrong path, the Holy Spirit placed on their hearts the desire to begin to share this new-found understanding with others. What was birthed was a small home-group study into the truths and fallacies of main-stream Biblical teachings, the latter of which had spanned the prior 1900 years. Investigating the Torah began to provide elucidation to the entirety of the Biblical text.
Today, Beit Yeshua has grown moderately from its inception, but remains an intimate but dedicated congregation composed of seekers of truth and Torah pursuant believers. We believe the Biblical commandments and appointed feast cycles (Leviticus 23) are to be observed to the best of our abilities and within our current understandings, and apply to all who call themselves Israelites (via Biblical definition).
Our Vision
To make clear the Biblically based distinction between the truths of YHVH’s Written Word, and corruptions thereof. For it is in coming to an understanding of the former that a genuine relationship with the Creator germinates and blossoms.
To equip believers with the tools necessary to correctly interpret the whole of the Bible, as it was intended to be understood, in its full and proper context.
To carefully measure the religious and historical doctrines and traditions of man against the clear and authoritative truth of Elohim’s written word.
To teach the love of YHVH and His Messiah Yeshua through the Torah, for it is the Commandments of Torah that show us how to love and serve our Creator with all our heart, soul and strength, and how to love our neighbor as ourselves.
To be a community seeking a full understanding of the Biblical, historic and prophetic two-houses of Israel (see 1 Kings 12, Ezek. 37), anticipating the restoration of the whole House of Israel in Spirit, Truth and Love.
To teach obedience to the Creator’s Commandments so that all people may be drawn into a unified body of believers. This body will not be known as Jew or Gentile, but simply as sons and daughters of the Living Elohim, grafted into the commonwealth of Israel (see Romans 11) – Israelites.
To bring all of YHVH’s people together as one in Messiah through humble study of His Written Word, and persistent development of a Torah pursuant life and culture.
To advance from mere knowledge of, to a growing understanding of, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To develop a deep, intimate relationship with Him, His written word, His Son, Messiah Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit.
To prayerfully prepare and equip ourselves to actively live out one’s faith through leading of the Holy Spirit; engaging in acts of service, kindness and justice; sharing the fullness of the gospel (good news); being a witness and blessing to others by how we live, thus making a tangible impact on the world for Elohim’s kingdom.
To encourage and practice within the community a consistent balance of praise, worship, prayer and study of YHVH’s Written Word.
To develop a community for those who are seeking the unadulterated truth and freedom offered through faith and trust in the Messiah Yeshua and His Torah.
To prepare believers both spiritually and physically for the coming events of the Great Tribulation.
We Believe
Through Studied Discernment of the Written Word, We Believe:
In the Holy Spirit’s inspiration of the whole of the Bible’s original text, understood in its original context (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
In the One true Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who manifests Himself in ways that include Son and Holy Spirit.
Yeshua (His Hebrew name) the Messiah is the only begotten (1 John 5:1-5) Son of the Creator Elohim, the Living and Written Word of Elohim (John 1:1-3, 14), who came in the flesh, begotten of Elohim, conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Miriam (Mary).
Yeshua was crucified, buried and resurrected from the dead, and serves as the only mediator between Elohim and man (1 Timothy 2:5-6).
Yeshua is our High Priest forever after the order of Melech Tzadeck/Melchizedek (the King of Righteousness), and Melech Salem (the King of peace) (Hebrews 7:1-28).
Yeshua alone is qualified to hold the Melchizedek Priesthood (Psalm 110:4).
That all have sinned and come short of the glory of Elohim (Romans 3:23).
Repentance (Teshuva – to turn from something back to what is Elohim ordained) is necessary for the forgiveness of sin, and atonement is only accomplished by the shedding of Messiah’s innocent blood (Mk. 2:17; Acts 11:18; Ro. 2:4; 2 Pet. 3:9;2 Cor. 7:9-10; Col. 1:13-14).
Salvation has always been accomplished through repentance, and by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-13).
Elohim provided a Ketubah (marriage contract) to His people Israel at Mt. Sinai. This marriage contract (the Mosaic Covenant) is known as Torah.
The pursuit of obedience to Torah instruction is the standard of living/identifying mark for any who call themselves the betrothed bride of Messiah Yeshua. It is only through obedience that we can be blessed (Deut. 28:1-14).
That through obedience to the Biblical covenants is formed the intimate relationship Elohim desires – not through religion. It is this relationship that manifests itself in life application.
The seventh day Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown) is an eternal and miraculous sign (the Mosaic Covenant) between the children of Israel and their Creator Elohim (Exodus 20:11; 31:16-17). Observance of the seven Moedim (appointments with Elohim) outlined in Leviticus Chapter 23 points us to our Messiah Yeshua. He portrays the times and seasons, and is in control of time. The outcome of all things will be in accord with His will and for the benefit of those who choose to pattern their lives after His calendar.
Our Creator Elohim has been perfect from time immemorial, and does not evolve or change (Malachi 3:6).
Yeshua did not come to change the Torah, but to show mankind how to live it out properly (Matthew 5:17).
All of Scripture must be studied as a multi-dimensional, multi-contextual work, viewed through the eyes of an Hebraic logic system (not Greco-Roman). We are seekers of truth.
In order to correctly understand Scripture, we must interpret it in each of its key contextual elements: textually, linguistically, historically, culturally and literarily.
There is a fast-approaching Great Tribulation that will encompass the world. We must prepare both spiritually AND physically for this time (Matthew 24:21; Rev. 7:9, 14-17).
In the second coming (Malachi 3:1-5; Rev. 3:11-12) of Messiah Yeshua AFTER the Great Tribulation.
In the resurrection: eternal life for the righteous who are in covenant relationship with Messiah Yeshua.
Study Format
Beit Midrash (Hebrew for house of study/investigation) is a form of studying the whole of Elohim’s Scriptures that stands in contrast to Homiletics, the vastly more familiar form of preaching/teaching, wherein one individual tells others what the written word of Elohim says. Beit Midrash is of Hebraic origins, and is a wonderful, enlightening method of revelation of the deeper truths Elohim intended for mankind to see and embrace. Homiletical discourse has historically and too often provided fertile ground for considerable of the false doctrines and fabricated theologies found in the main-steam of both Judaism and Christianity.
In Beit Midrash there is no teacher/preacher per se, only a facilitator who keeps the study flowing, and on course and in context. The goal is spiritual growth for each individual, but in parallel, for the group as a whole. How is this achieved? Through diligent preparation on the part of each individual prior to meeting on Shabbat, and through equipping of proper exegetical methods that include full context textually, linguistically, historically, culturally, and literarily. The format in practice is one of sharing various insights of the participants, plus entertaining questions that have surfaced, all directed towards moving beyond mere knowledge of the word of Elohim, and into deeper understanding of its themes and directives for living life to the fullest, just as Elohim intended His body to exhibit. Here, the word in not only investigated intellectually, but also from the critically important standpoint of seeking revelation from the Holy Spirit. The goal is to achieve proper understanding of Elohim’s intended instruction via His inspired writings (2 Peter 1:20-21). Finally, learning for understanding is not an end in itself. We seek to learn so that we might do (i.e., implement into our lives) Elohim’s word of truth. This entails a paradigm shift from the Greco-Roman mindset to the Hebraic mindset, the mindset and logic system in which the Scriptures were originally written. When learning has as its goal life application, it greatly impacts our approach to learning.
"Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle?
Who may dwell in Your holy hill?
He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness,
And speaks the truth in his heart."
Psalm 15: 1-2