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Image by Diana Polekhina



The authority and veracity of the ancient texts of the Bible can be proven as irrefutable. A truth seeker and disciple must have a desire to equip oneself with the necessary tools to understand the instructions embedded within these texts. With the leading of the Holy Spirit and proper instruction in the interpretative techniques that must be applied to these ancient texts, one can become an exegete (i.e., one who approaches the text with the intent to discern and apply its truths, absent the common syncretistic biases of religious traditions). The power of exegetical study opens unlimited horizons to spiritual maturity that reach far beyond the plateaus imposed by simply reading the text through the eyes of religious customs and theological rabbit trails. 


The Discipleship Program

It is the desire of Terry and Marti McHenry to provide a one-on-one, couple-on-couple, or small group (six or fewer) disciple training program in the interpretation and life application of the Bible’s original textual instructions. The medium for accomplishing this can be in-person or, perhaps most commonly, via internet connection through Google Duo.


The program itself is free, but does require purchase of the book entitled, Truth Versus Man’s Religious Systems, authored by Terry W. McHenry (see the Book Tab of this website for information on the book itself). The book is available through, or Barnes and, in either hard cover with jacket, soft cover, or e-book version. Search the book on these sites via author name for ready access, and to have a “look inside.”. The book serves as the instructional framework for the class, as it addresses history, context, language, culture, literary devices, and extensive interpretive tools for life application of the Bible’s instructions. These can become the building blocks for living a redeemed life as Elohim intended. Note that the book in this setting functions as a supplement to the Biblical text, not a substitute for it. The Bible at all times serves as the preeminent authority. Considerable time will be spent in the Biblical text itself as the program progresses. Study and advanced preparation will be required prior to each class session, using both the Biblical text and the book.


Depending on the goal(s) of an individual, couple or small group, the class emphasis can be customized in terms of either narrowly focused topics, or broadened out to cover the whole spectrum of the book’s content. This can be determined after preliminary discussions and goal setting for the class are in place. Agreeable class times, length, and frequency of meetings can be mutually arranged.




If you have a desire to move from a knowledge of the Bible to an in depth understanding of its truths, or simply have questions regarding the Discipleship Program, please contact Terry McHenry via email at:  

 "By this all will know that you are My disciples,

If you have love for one another."

John 13:35


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