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Fundamental Tools For Biblical Understanding

Writer's picture: Terry McHenryTerry McHenry


By the loving grace of Elohim, the originally written Biblical text has largely been preserved and brought forward to our day. However, it has suffered multiple attempts to be completely destroyed, to be hidden, or to be corrupted by mixing (known as syncretism) the truths it originally contained with the fallacies of mankind’s religious systems through various doctrines, customs and theologies.

The truth is that Elohim does not traffic in religion or religious practices, but rather moves and operates through relationships. These relationships are outlined within the whole of the Biblical text but, with rare exceptions, they have not been taught within the religious mainstream. The framework by which these relationships are taught is through the seven primary Biblical covenants that Elohim made with mankind (see the outline below). History reveals that while Elohim has consistently upheld the terms of these covenants that pertain to Him, mankind has consistently failed to uphold the terms pertaining to himself (again, with limited exceptions).

It is important to define what historically has become the common denominator among virtually all of mankind’s religious systems. In terms of its structure and operation, religion has morphed itself into a three-party religious system of man. These three parties are: 1.) A god, or gods (in some cases), 2.) a religious guru, leader or representative, and 3.) mankind – you or I, for example. The overarching theme has been that in order to understand and please the god or gods, the third-party religious guru is needed to explain what the god(s) requires of mankind. However, this type of structure is not what the Elohim of the Bible teaches.

So that there is no confusion, it is not being suggested by the above that one cannot consult reliable resources for instructional guidance or edification on the Biblical text. And, it is of primary importance for one seeking the truth of Elohim’s Biblical instruction to mankind, that he or she be calling upon the Holy Spirit for discretion and guidance. Biblical interpretative tools applied absent the leading of the Holy Spirit amount simply to an intellectual exercise, that may result in increased knowledge of the Bible, but not Spirit-led understanding.

The entirety (i.e., the whole counsel) of the Biblical text teaches that a two-party relationship be established between Elohim and mankind, both on an individual basis, and corporately. It is this type of relationship that requires not only obedience to Elohim’s commandments and instructions found in His written word, but also it requires study through application of the study tools available to understand these ancient writings from an era and culture totally removed from our own today. Unfortunately, the three-party religious systems have not equipped their followers with the tools necessary to understand the text of the Bible in its fullness.

Thus, historical observation and experiential evidence have proven the following:

  1. Mere knowledge of the Biblical text may manifest itself in intellectual assent to the principles taught within the pages of our Bible, but most usually leads to a spiritual plateau and little or no life application.

  2. Understanding of the Biblical text increasingly manifests itself in life application, and removes all blockages to spiritual growth. And, it is this one, a seeker of all truths, whom Elohim will use mightily in advancing His Kingdom on earth, and for all eternity.

Biblical Interpretation Tools 101

  1. The Whole Counsel of the Written Word – See Page 270 ; also for illustration, refer to Peter’s Vision in Acts Chapter 10, and Leviticus Chapter 11, and Page 590.

  2. Context – a.) Textual: Page 491; b.) Language: Page 490; c.) Historical: Page 492; d.) Cultural: Page 494; e.) Literary Devices: Pages 511-525.

  3. The Two Logic Systems at Play Within the Biblical Text – a.) Hebraic vs. Greco-Roman: Pages 277-288; b.) Concrete vs. Abstract Thought: Page 487; c.) Alexander the Great: Page 498, and Daniel Chapter 8; d.) Weightier Matters of the Law: Mat. 23:23.

  4. The Two Houses of Israel – Page 223-234, and 1 Kings Chapters 11 and 12.

  5. The Seven Biblical Covenants Between Elohim and Mankind – a.) Pages 207-220; b.) Table: Covenants Overview, Page 222.

  6. Who is Israel? – Pages 269-276

  7. How We Received Our Bibles (in English) – Pages 419-456: a.) Translation and Interpretation: Page 486-487; b.) Syntax Differences; c.) Word Mirrors.

Biblical Interpretation Tools 102

Reference resources are an important tool for the student of the Biblical record. But studied discretion is vitally important in selecting resources to consult. The premier and first order of resources is the Biblical text itself, in its entirety, and is to be used as the front-line dictionary first and foremost. Extra-Biblical resources can be very helpful, but must be compared back to what the Bible teaches on any given subject under investigation by the student.

Study tools without the Holy Spirit’s guidance will frustrate the student and likely become an intellectual exercise alone. See Pages 569-571. There is a broad scope of Bible software available today, including several in-depth and free applications for phone or laptop. Most of these require somewhat of a learning curve, but are fairly intuitive. These generally provide access to interlinear text (word-for-word translation) for extensive word study, among many other tools.

Some recommended extra-Biblical resources to consult in establishing a foundational understanding of the Biblical record follow (listed in no particular order of preference/quality):

Publications by Seasoned Biblical Exegetes

  1. Our Father Abraham, by Marvin R. Wilson, Ph.D.

  2. Yeshua, A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church, by Dr. Ron Moseley.

  3. Ancient Israel, From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple, edited by Hershel Shanks.

  4. Truth Versus Man’s Religious Systems, by Terry W. McHenry

  5. Restoring the Two Houses of Israel, by Edward Chumney

  6. The Seven Festivals Of The Messiah, by Edward Chumney

  7. Who is the Bride of Christ? [Yeshua], by Edward Chumney

  8. The Principle of the Seed, by Bradford Scott

  9. Let This Mind Be In You, by Bradford Scott

Biblical Study Reference Works

  1. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Expanded), by James Strong

  2. Holman Bible Atlas, B&H Publishing Group

  3. Jewish New Testament Commentary, by David H. Stern

  4. The Interlinear Bible, Hebrew, Greek, English, by Jay P. Green, Sr.

  5. In his Own Words, by L. Grant Luton

  6. Dictionary of Jewish Words, by Joyce Eisenberg and Ellen Scolnic

  7. Who’s Who in the Jewish Bible (i.e., Old Testament), by David Mandel

The above listed resources are by no means exhaustive, but will provide the Bible student with reliable material to help in distinguishing between what he or she has previously learned that is valid, from what is not Biblically supported.

Some wonderful, inexpensive sources for obtaining these resources can often be used book stores, under the “religious” category. Another resource is to look on, or Barnes and, for used copies. Also, most public libraries are supported by a “Friends of the Library,” made up of volunteers who sort, catalog and sell at huge discounts books that have either been removed from circulation or that were donated.

Finally, understand that the above materials have been selected specifically for one who is relatively new to the Messianic focused/Hebrew Roots of the faith. They will greatly assist you in building a solid foundation upon which to further your walk and to build that all-important relationship with your Maker. And, of course, these tools and materials are of equal benefit to anyone, no matter how long they have been seekers of Biblical truth.

As you equip yourself to study the Bible may you be greatly blessed and mightily used in the Kingdom of Elohim!

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