Definition of Theology and Its Beliefs
Replacement theology, also earlier known as supersessionism, essentially subscribes to the teaching that the promises of Elohim to Israel found in the Scriptures were transferred to the Church, and that His plan for Israel (the nation) ended at the time of the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D.
More specifically, the contemporary approach to the theology has been that all Scriptural (Old Testament) promises and prophesies made concerning Israel, unless fulfilled prior to the first coming of Messiah Yeshua, are now the inheritance of the mainstream Christian Church. Therefore, it is taught the Church “supersedes” or replaces Israel as the recipient of those promises; thus, the origin of the earlier title supersessionism. Today the term is used mostly by theologians and scholars. In effect, it is believed by the proponents of the theology that Elohim has made the Church the “new Israel,” or the “new and improved” people of Elohim.
The so-called superseding of Israel by the Church has historically been argued from two points of view: 1.) Economic Supersessionism, and 2.) Punitive Supersessionism.
Under the premise of economic supersessionism, “Israel’s role as the people of Elohim was completed. This is the kinder and gentler way of stating the basic thesis of Replacement Theology. It says that once the Messiah came 2,000 years ago, Israel’s mission was completed. A transition occurred at that point, and the Church took over as the people of Elohim and became the focal point for the outworking of Elohim’s plan and purpose in redemption. Elohim is no longer working administratively through ethnic Israel.” *
Under the premise of punitive supersessionism, “Israel’s place as the people of Elohim was forfeited. Other Replacement theologians are more straight forward and actually say that the supposed replacement of Israel was a divine judgment on the nation for its rejection of the Messiah in the first century.” ** Proponents of punitive supersessionism frequently cite Martin Luther’s articulated position, where he wrote: “For such ruthless wrath of God is sufficient evidence that they [i.e., the Jewish people] assuredly have erred and gone astray. Even a child can comprehend this. For one dare not regard God as so cruel that he would punish his own people so long, so terrible, so unmercifully … Therefore this work of wrath is proof that the Jews, surely rejected by God, are no longer his people, and neither is he any longer their God.” ***
The Replacement Theology of today rests on five tenets of belief, as follows: ****
Israel (the Jewish people and the land) has been replaced by the Christian Church in the purposes of Elohim, or, more precisely, the Church is the historic continuation of Israel to the exclusion of the former.
The Jewish people are now no longer a “chosen people.” In fact, they are no different from any other group, such as the English, Spanish, or Africans.
Apart from repentance, the new birth, and incorporation into the Church, the Jewish people have no future, no hope, and no calling in the plan of Elohim. The same is true for every other nation and group.
Since Pentecost of Acts 2, the term “Israel,” as found in the Bible, now refers to the Church.
The promises, covenants and blessings ascribed to Israel in the Bible have been taken away from the Jews and given to the Church, which has superseded them. However, the Jews are subject to the curses found in the Bible, as a result of their rejection of Christ.
* Excerpted from Replacement Theology, Its Origins, Teachings and Errors, by Dr. Gary Hedrick, President of CJF Ministries (with minor editing by Rabbi Loren),
** Ibid.
*** Ibid.; quoted from On the Jews and Their Lies, Trans. By Martin H. Bertram in Luther’s Works, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971, p. 265.
**** Excerpted from Replacement Theology,;
Historical Origins and Dates
At the close of the first century A.D., not long after the passing of Yeshua’s principal apostles, the first century body of believers (the ekklesia- translated Church in the English Bibles) began to depart from its Hebraic roots.* By the close of the third century A.D., mainstream Christianity had largely accepted supersessionist ideas, having abandoned any identity with the sect of the Nazarenes. **
Replacement theology can be traced back to the time period of Marcion (c. 160 A.D.), who was known for his crusade to purge the Church of what he perceived to be dangerous Jewish errors and unfavorable influences. Irenaeus (one of the early Church fathers, c. 180 A.D.) wrote: “The Jews have rejected the Son of God and cast Him out of the vineyard when they slew Him. Therefore, God has justly rejected them and has given to the Gentiles outside the vineyard the fruits of its cultivation.” Statements such as the above, and others that would follow from the early Church fathers, in time became the seed of anti-Semitism that permeated much of Christianity. Anything that carried the likeness of Jewish practices was renounced as attempts to subvert and “Judaize” the Church.
Of course, in these early, post-Messiah years certain of the rabbinic “Jewish” customs had themselves further departed from the teachings of their Scriptures and, more significantly, had departed from what Messiah Yeshua had come to teach and to fulfill by living out the Torah before mankind. Thus, the chasm between the Church and the followers of Yeshua widened, both being guilty of not adhering to the teachings and principles of the Written and Living Torah.
* Discussion and historical documentation for this is too voluminous to include here.
** See Acts 24:5; Mat. 2:19-23
Theological Inter-Relationships and Dependencies
Replacement Theology, or much of its teachings, can be found in other of man’s theologies such as Dominion Theology, Reformed Theology and Covenant Theology. * The latter two were largely birthed from the teachings of John Calvin (1509-1564) and of course Martin Luther (1483-1546), the father of the Protestant Reformation. These, in turn, are associated with amillennialism,** an eschatological view heavily dependent on a spiritualized and allegorized interpretation of the prophetic Scriptures, rather than through literal, cultural and historical exegesis.
* These theologies are discussed separately.
** The name given to the teaching that there will be no literal 1,000 year reign of Messiah Yeshua. This is separately discussed. See, e.g., Zech. 14, Rev. 20.
Exegetical Discussion
One of the significant sources of misunderstanding over this theology (1) is that for centuries man has not understood who Israel is Biblically. This is evidenced by the continual references in writings and spoken teachings to Israel and the Jews being one and the same, and to attaching a nationalistic/ethnic meaning to the term Israel.
The primary precept (2) of Replacement Theology is readily discounted through both historical and Scriptural investigation, using a proper interpretive approach for the latter. Certainly one of the most compelling historical proofs is the fact that after over 2,000 years the scattered nation of Israel was rebirthed on May 14, 1948. Although largely through Zionist (3) efforts, the odds of this event occurring, having just come out of World War II and the Nazi annihilation of six million Jews a few years earlier, was humanly unfathomable. This, coupled with the immediate and overwhelmingly massive war effort launched by the entire Arab world in response to Israel’s statehood, and the quick defeat of the Arabs, could only mean one thing – Elohim had His hand on His chosen people and the land He promised Abraham.(4) Wars instituted against the tiny nation of Israel subsequent to the 1948 War of Independence (5) have seen similar odds, and in each case with victory over Israel’s attackers. Elohim is clearly not through with Israel and, more importantly, His promises to Abraham and his seed have been upheld.
Scripturally speaking, the Bible is bereft with evidence that Israel has a place in the future plans of Elohim and the promised 1,000 year reign of Messiah Yeshua from Revelation Chapter 20.
The Apostle to the Gentiles, Paul of Tarsus, tells us in Romans Chapter 3 that the oracles of Elohim were committed to the Jews [those of the circumcision] (6). In Chapters 9, 10 and 11 of Romans Paul defines for us the true meaning of Israel, and that Elohim is not through with His people or the land of Israel. We must ask ourselves if Elohim would have logically entrusted to a chosen people His oracles if He intended to abandon them, and instead replace them with another entity, the Church, knowing that it would gravitate into apostasy as well? The answer to this question lies in part to a study of Chapters 9, 10 and 11.
First, from Romans Chapter 8, verses 5 through 8, we learn that those who live in accord with the flesh [the world] set their minds on the things of the world, but those who live in accord with the Spirit of Elohim are spiritually minded and directed. The carnal mind is at enmity with Elohim, for it is not subject to the Law [Written Torah] of Elohim, but the law of carnal man which cannot please Elohim. In the opening verses of Chapter 9 Paul laments for his countrymen [fellow Jews who are of the flesh] to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the Law [Torah], the service of Elohim, and the promises. In verse 6 he states “…they are not all Israel who are of Israel,” continuing in verses 7 and 8, “nor are they all children because they are of the seed of Abraham; but In Isaac your seed shall be called. (7) That is, those who are of the children of the flesh, these are not the children of Elohim; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.”
The prophet Jeremiah tells us in his book, Chapter 23, at verses 7 and 8, that the scattered of Israel from the north country and all countries from where Elohim had driven them shall be returned to dwell in their own land, Israel. In Chapter 16 of Jeremiah we see where, in spite of the idolatry and iniquity of the children of Israel, Elohim will bring them out of the lands from where He had scattered them, (16:15) “…For I will bring them back into their land [Israel] which I gave to their fathers.”
The prophet Isaiah, in Chapter 2, verses 1 through 3 tells us: “Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord [Messiah, Yeshua], To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth the law [Torah], And the word of the Lord [Messiah, Yeshua] from Jerusalem.”
The prophet Zechariah, in Chapter 8, verse 23 tell us: “Thus say the Lord of hosts [Messiah, Yeshua]: In those days ten men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’” Thus we see where during the Messianic era many people from around the globe will flock to those who have preserved the oracles of Elohim and His teachings - Torah. These will include Gentiles, ethnic Jews, non-Jews and seekers of truth through faith (Eph. 2:13-19), being motivated by the leading of the Spirit and enabled by the grace of Elohim (Eph. 2:8-9).
Speaking through the prophet Isaiah in Chapter 43, verse 1: “But now, thus says the Lord [Messiah, Yeshua], who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by my name; you are Mine.’” The phrase “…called you by my name…” is an Hebraic idiom for His intimate relationship with the Israelites. Continuing in Chapter 44, verses 21-23: “Remember these, O Jacob, and Israel, for you are My servant; O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me! I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, And like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.” “…For the Lord has redeemed Jacob, And glorified Himself in Israel.”
Finally, Elohim speaking through the prophet Isaiah, as the Redeemer of Zion, in Chapter 59, verses 20-21: “The Redeemer will come to Zion, And to those who turn from transgression [with repentant hearts of obedience to His Word - Israelites] in Jacob,” Says the Lord.
“As for me,” says the Lord, “this is My covenant with them [the Israelites] : My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendents’ descendents,” says the Lord, “from this time and forever more.”
Thus, considering the whole counsel of the Word of Elohim, no where does it tell us that He has changed His mind (Mal. 3:6), and at any point in time reappointed promulgation of the truth of His Word to the Church, a body which for the past 1900 years has been in open apostasy to its fullness of life giving truth. No where have the oracles of Elohim been withdrawn from the children of Israel, or the promise of the Land of Israel to Abraham and his seed been “deeded” to another or others. The Biblical record is clear, man has broken his promises and commitments repeatedly, but Elohim has not once done so. We must remember that those who are enemies of Israel, its people and their land, are enemies of Elohim. To be at enmity with the Creator Elohim is a dangerous place to be in. For, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (8)
(1) For that matter most of the theologies suffer from this influence.
(2) That is, the claim of the Church having replaced Israel prophetically, and that Elohim is through with Israel.
(3) Patriots for rebirth of the nation of Israel driven by preservation of Jewish ethnicity, more so than Scripturally prophetic fulfillment causes; a nationalistic movement for return of the Jewish people to their homeland, with a resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.
(4) See Gen. 12:1-3
(5) For example, the 1967 Six Day War, and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, to name two.
(6) Here we see Paul referring to the Jews in the common though improper sense of the term; that is, as the nation/peoples of Israel, rather than as those of the Tribe of Judah, being the origin of the term and its more correct usage. (7) Gen. 21:12
(8) See Heb. 10:28-31; those who reject the Law of Moses [Torah] reject the Law Giver, Messiah Yeshua and His people Israel.